영화를 보고 리뷰를 작성하는 프로젝트
“[영화진흥위원회에는 영화포스터가 없네](<https://receptive-chanter-627.notion.site/5a76691a52dd471f97b5283698d1d1f3>)?”
“[TableView에 SearchBar추가하는 방법](<https://receptive-chanter-627.notion.site/12e3e98c7a0c42d9aa091616ee8f9b02>)”
//MARK: MovieReviewList
reviewList = "리뷰 목록";
//MARK: MovieSearch
movieSearchTitle = "영화 검색";
searchBar = "영화 이름을 검색해주세요";
//MARK: ReviewWrite
myReview = "나의 리뷰";
myRate = "나의 평가";
reviewView = "리뷰 내용을 입력해주세요";
rateButton = "이 영화에 대한 평가를 선택해주세요";
saveButton = "등록";
contentsTitle = "잠깐!";
contensMessage = "나의 리뷰를 작성해주세요";
actionSheet = "영화는 어땠나요?";
best = "인생영화";
normal = "꿀잼영화";
notbad = "보통영화";
bad = "최악영화";
//MARK: BoxOffice
boxOfficeTitle = "박스오피스 순위";
//MARK: MovieReviewList
reviewList = "Review List";
//MARK: MovieSearch
movieSearchTitle = "Movie Search";
searchBar = "Search the movie name";
//MARK: ReviewWrite
myReview = "My Review";
myRate = "My Rate";
reviewView = "Please enter your review";
rateButton = "Please select my rating for this movie";
saveButton = "Save";
contentsTitle = "Wait!";
contensMessage = "Please enter my review";
actionSheet = "How was the movie";
best = "Best";
good = "Good";
notbad = "Notbad";
bad = "Bad";
//MARK: BoxOffice
boxOfficeTitle = "BoxOffice Rank";